Digital Wanderers

Friday, May 15, 2009

Javascript: How to find all occurences of a string in another string

In Javascript, the indexOf() method will find the index of first occurence of a string in another string.
txt = "You are like like me"
str = "ke"

ind = txt.indexOf(str)

But there is no native method in JS for finding all the occurences of a string.

Here is a function to do that.

function allindices(txt,str)
var lentxt = txt.length
var lenstr = str.length

var j = 0
var indices = new Array()
indices[0] = -1

if (lenstr > lentxt)
return indices;

var i = 0
while(i < lentxt - 1)

ind = txt.slice(i).indexOf(str)
//'ind' is the position of 'str' in the current slice

if (ind == -1)

return indices

i = ind+i //Shift the index

for(k in indices)
if (i == indices[k])
else if (k+1 == indices.length)
indices[j] = i
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
return indices

This function can be used as follows:

arr = allindices(txt,str)

if (arr[0] != -1) \\Print all indices
for(var i = 0;i < arr.length;i++)